December 2021

Day 3- Team Santa

Staff and Contractor Management

Ensuring that both staff and contractor staff are compliant is another task that the North Pole leaves to Bluezone Manager by collecting and maintaining data and documentation to support ISO audits as well as internal standards.

The platform can provide both staff and contractor elearning or induction. This can be done before suppliers arrive onsite., with a Certificate being generated for the contractor team member and saved in the platform.

All the information is used to produce id passes for staff and contractors which proves compliance and ensures everyone makes the Nice List.

Contractor Compliance


Spot non-compliance in your supply chain with deficiencies and expirations highlighted using our RAG (Red, Amber, Green) system​.

Easy to find

‘At a Glance’ Interactive dashboards and built-in reporting options provide critical information immediately. Data can be filtered and exported via CSV, Excel or printed. Additional reports can be added based on your requirements

Any Location & Real Time

Access available for clients and contractors, providding live safety information.

Integration with other modules

Can integrate with other modules such as incident management module and compliance/task scheduler.

Id Badges

Generate Compliance related permit to work or identity badges

Find out more

Talk to us about how Bluezone Manager can manage your staff and your contractor staff to ensure everyone on your site meets the high standards you expect.

Contact us