December 2018

How Technology allows you to focus on Food Safety and not Audits


The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is the most widely used of the commercial standards for assuring production of safe food, with over 26,000 certificated suppliers in over 130 countries, with certification issued through a global network of accredited certification bodies.

BRC Global Standards are now often a fundamental requirement of leading retailers, manufacturers and food service organisations.

With food coming to consumers from every continent in the world, food safety and quality assurance is high on everyone’s agenda, especially given the recent scares.

View your Guide to how technology can help with BRC V8 changes and updates:

In this guide discover:

BRC V8 & Culture | BRC & Supply Chain | BRC & Cyber Security | BRC & Environmental Monitoring | BRC Audits – Announced & Unannounced


The goal of all food manufacturers is to not only achieve the BRC Standards but to use the standard to improve as an organisation with less problems and ultimately to grow your business in new markets globally.

Technology in Food Safety

Technology & food Safety

The Food Safety industry today relies largely on pen and paper records which are inefficient, time consuming and unreliable and as such there is a move towards technology.

The main focus for an organisation in the Food Industry should always be food safety.

Sounds obvious but often this can be diluted by the distractions of preparing for an audit or by the attention shifting to creation and maintenance of paper records or excel sheets.  With access to such records often limited to an individual person, p.c. or site.

Technology does exist to make admin and audits easier, providing the organisation with peace of mind and unburdening those who know best, allowing them to be proactive in food safety.

By using technology producers can:

  •  Streamline Business Processes
    • Be proactive- saves time and money
    • Removes the need to spend time planning checks
    • Focus your time and energy on food safety
  • Provide efficiencies
    • Technology ensures Audits are cost neutral
    • Due diligence of your Supply Chain
    • Introduction of future regulations/customer requirements (e.g. additional requirements for FSMA in USA)
  • Provide Oversight
    • Technology can help provide an overview of your site or sites
    • Provides better and more accurate reporting
    • Records held digitally in one central secure location (Normally in the cloud)
  • Provide Accountability
    • Security – safe, accurate, tamper-proofed safety records
    • Monitoring of equipment, suppliers, employees and product
    • Verification of checks due or outstanding with an audit trial

What can Bluezone do for BRC?

Bluezone offer a number of modules which can assist with BRC including:

  • Supply Chain
  • Task Scheduler
  • Compliance Module by Site, Building & Asset
  • Training (eLearning or Online Inductions)


Contact Us to talk about your requirements or for a free walk-through of Bluezone:

[contact-form-7 id=”1287″ title=”BRC form”]