March 2018

4 Reasons why you should choose elnduction

Why are eLearning inductions an effective solution for both employers and employees?

Below are 4 benefits of conducting your induction online:

1. Compliance & Risk Reduction

EInduction easily tracks employee compliance giving an overview of all training required, expired or completed without a huge paper trial. Making it easy to see when compliance is achieved.

You can be sure that all employees have been informed about important safety and operational matters before they start their role such as fire safety, therefore reducing exposure.

2. Operational Costs

Online inductions reduce the need for resources traditionally required for inductions such as a meeting room, printed materials and other employees’ involvement. Freeing up staff and resources to work smarter for you.  ELearning inductions can be completed on a desktop or employees own mobile devices.

3. A clear consistent message

First impressions count, with research suggesting one third of employees decide if they will stay long term after their first week, it is important to create a good impression for retention. You need to engage employees early and often, with a clear consistent message. Face-to-face delivery opens itself to inconsistent messaging and relies greatly on the tone of the facilitator. It’s hard to be enthusiastic delivering the same content week after week!

4. Employee Power

eInduction allows easy access for employees from day one, or before, to the content to work through at their own pace and ability, repeating section if required. There is lots of evidence to support that adult learners like to take training into their own hands.


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