Managing Health and Safety

eLearning Course


Organisations have a legal duty to put in place suitable arrangements to manage for health and safety. As this can be viewed as a wide-ranging, general requirement HSE encourages a common-sense and practical approach. It should be part of the everyday process of running an organisation and an integral part of workplace behaviours and attitudes.*


This training is designed to give an overview of management responsibilities, with respect to health and safety laws and policies that affect you and your team.

This course will introduce learners to the importance of a Health and Safety policy, the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other regulations.

Course Aims

By the end of this course, learners will:

  • Have an understanding of health and safety law and their responsibilities under current legislation.
  • Understand the governing body’s role in enforcing health and Safety
  • Be able to encourage high standards of health and safety through good example and management of health and safety issues.
  • Highlight hazards in the workplace
  • Know the steps involved in carrying out a risk assessment & accident reporting
  • Understand fire safety and be able to outline common fire and escape hazards
  • Be aware of work-related stress and its impact and the risk factors

Who is this course suitable for:

This course is suitable for new managers or a manager who requires a refresher course on how to manage health and safety in their teams.

Courses are available for both UK & Irish legislation.

Course Length:

Learners normally complete the training and assessment within 60 minutes.

Course Detail

Our Managing Health and Safety (H&S) training course contains 7 fully interactive training sections for the learner to work through at their own pace. The 7th section is a Managing H&S assessment to show understanding.

Each learner needs an individual e-mail. Courses can be taken on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile*.
*Subject matter should be considered.

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner will receive an email with their certificate.

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