February 2020

Bluezone Training Management Software

How Bluezone software can help you with training and to mind your own business:

As we know training is a never-ending loop and managing training and training records is a tricky job. What percentage of staff are fully trained? What are our training needs in the future? When do those certificates become outdated?

Why use technology for managing training?

Simple! Reduce the time, resources and costs associated with training while increasing engagement. Putting people first in your organisation will always reap dividends.

People first Training

Most companies today are PEOPLE FIRST.

Meaning the health and safety of staff, contractors and visitors comes first, which is why, legal obligations aside, businesses will try to reduce risk through culture and education (training). The upside for most companies is better job performance, a decrease in workplace accidents, increase staff morale and a decrease in absenteeism. Employees feel valued and happy and much more likely to stay with the company.

Ensure staff compliance with RAG driven reminders

The pains of managing training without software

But for the person responsible for training it can be stressful keeping track of all the training completed, required or to plan future training needs or implement training plans. It is almost impossible to do this with 100% certainty if operating on paper records or sprawling spreadsheets and what about multiple sites?

Track all training from onboarding to evaluation

With bluezone manager you can easily see your training matrix at a glance. A red, amber green dashboard provides a percentage health check so you and other relevant people can easily see if training is compliant, due or overdue.

bluezone can help

– One location to view, review and manage training for staff and contractors

– No more paper records, printing certificates or filing

– Quickly identify skill gaps or compliance flaws

– Reporting on training

– Upload certificates for paperless training records or automatically allocate from e-learning

– Create culture through effective onboarding and engagement

– Collaborate with colleagues and lock down their training matrix by location or department

-Integrate e-learning or induction courses (Build your own or choose from a catalogue)

– Mobile Learning -complete courses on any device, anytime and anywhere

– Secure web-based GDPR compliant platform

Reporting on Training – fast, accurate training reports

Bluezone becomes your real time training report, not only can you provide access across the organisation to view the training matrix, you can also generate almost any report you will ever need.

  • Real time, accurate reports on training
  • Data can be manipulated to view training details by work location, department, course or qualification and dates completed or next due
  • Generate training reports on performance and status
  • Automatic Email reports to the relevant personnel / managers
  • Easily export or download the required reports

Be 100% audit ready

Many audits will often ask you to provide proof of competency of your staff or supply chain/Contractor staff. It is also on ISO or quality checklists and auditors will ask to see your training matrix.  Bluezone manager allows you to maintain training records of employee name, job position, work location and corresponding proof of training.

Be risk adverse with Bluezone


Similarly, during Insurance audits or tendering processes, wherever you need to show compliance save yourself the pain and just know you have it covered.

Highlighting training gaps and acting on them will reduce claims against your business which will reduce overall premiums.


Bluezone provides the confidence that your training matrix is up to date, ensues you are working with a healthy and safe workforce and contractor personnel and allows you to focus your attention on other aspects of your role.

Alerts and notifications

You no longer need to chase up those loose ends, manager will do this for you via email alerts and notifications:

  • Get Alerts in advance of when training is due/overdue
  • Let elearning take care of enrolment with reminders about when a course is due/overdue.
  • Certificates are emailed directly to the learner and updated in your system
  • Collaborate with colleagues in different departments, facilitates or locations including contractors (no more spreadsheets by email)
  • Reports can be emailed directly to department heads or various locations

Bespoke training courses and inductions

Tailored to your organisation, Bluezone can create and deliver online inductions for contractors, visitors and employees even before they arrive on site.

All without a drain on company resources and with greater learning benefits to employees.

Catalogue of e-Learning courses

Bluezone can be used to manage your training as a standalone module or it can be integrated with elearning.

Bluezone have a range of courses to choose from (Catalogue of courses) or you can customised your courses and the learning and development bluezone team can built bespoke courses or inductions.

I’d like to hear more:

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