December 2021

Day 2- No More Lists

Making a list and checking in twice! Not for me

“Since going digital with Bluezone manager we have never looked back. Christmas Eve is just so busy and it’s critical that we have every element of Health and Safety checked off. There is no room for error! Thanks to Bluezone we can easily spot any non-compliances in the team and quickly work to sort it out before the big day”
Santa Claus

With Bluezone manager you can control, monitor, report, integrate and manage all aspects of your working environment that relates to the management of :


Staff, Contractors, and Training


Audit, Quality and Assets

Health & safety

Culture, Risk and Incident


Red, Amber & Green (RAG)

An intuitive Red Amber Green (RAG) dashboard gives a snapshot view of those meeting your standards or not.

Bluezone has developed software specifically for the management of health and safety, which helps ensure your people are safe and healthy and your building portfolio compliant, in turn allowing the responsible person to focus on your core business.

manager will become an essential member of your team, supporting both your organisation and supply chain through integrated modules and an intelligent RAG dashboard.


Find out more

Talk to us about how Bluezone Manager can simply and streamline the management of your health and safety at an affordable cost

Contact us